While surfing the Garn Studio site this morning I found this cabled cardigan pattern. Who would of thought that a cabled cardigan would catch my eye?! What is it about cables that are so thrilling to me? There's just something about doing such a simple movement of stitches (after all, cables are just stitches knit out of order) that is so magical. You get a lot of bang for your buck. Cables look so complicated and fancy and yet are so simple and fun to knit. I will print this pattern to add to my many "future" projects notebook. Check out the Garn Studio site, they have 1000's of free patterns that are very nice. When I did a search of ladies cardigans there were over 500 patterns! They have everything from cute little boleros, classic sweaters, socks, mittens, anything you could ever want to knit. It's an awesome site.
I wound up my dyed sock yarn from yesterday, the second attempt at getting some decent colors (see above). I will make socks from it someday...but right now it's not calling my name. I am almost done with the first Peach Petals sock and will immediately cast on the second one. This pattern is fun, interesting, and very pretty. Thanks again Jeanie! I have some lime green sock yarn (also hand dyed by me) that I am going to use for this pattern. The yarn is obnoxiously bright...perfect for this pattern. I will not add the beads. There's something about beads on socks...doesn't seem to be necessary. Plus, does a cuff really need the added weight of beads? The pattern is cute enough without adding beads.
Tonight I am meeting my friend Janet (she's blogless) for dinner. She is my knitterly friend...the mitten queen! She knits mittens like a machine...and gives all of them away. What a thoughtful, and kind person she is! Maybe we will go to the little local Chinese restaurant and have some lo mein.
Time to go put another load of laundry in the washer. Since Tyler moved out the quantity of weekly laundry has been cut in half. He still comes over here to do his wash, and he actually does it...HE, himself! Wonders never cease...
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