Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Visitors Are Leaving...Green Pullover is About Done

My daughter and granddaughter have been visiting from Florida for the last 5 days. Today they leave. It has been so much fun to have them here, although, I have to admit, I had forgotten just how busy a 2 1/2 year old can be. Mia, my granddaughter, is talking as well as an adult. She says the funniest things! Like the other night...we were watching Wallace and Grommet and she got a little freaked by the giant rabbit. She looks at me and says "Gramma, shall we watch Curious George instead?" Shall we?? She sounds like such a prim and proper little girl, but then the next minute she's running through the house naked, screaming, and throwing things. Typical toddler! I wish my daughter and her family didn't live so far away. It's hard to see them only a couple times a year. I usually fly there in the fall, if there's no hurricanes! Thank goodness for Xanax...I can self-medicate and fly now! If anyone has a fear of flying (and mine was BAD!) Xanax WILL help you. I do take twice the prescribed amount (I take 100mg) and it has made flying bearable, almost enjoyable. It has opened up the numerous possibilities of air travel which I never thought I'd have. Drugs can be wonderful! Just don't drink with the Xanax, I had some wine when I got to my daughters house and I about fell asleep in my dinner!

I plan to work on the green pullover the rest of the week since I am on vacation! I have 4 weeks of vacation to use by October, and since my daughter was visiting, I took this week off. After they leave this afternoon, I will continue knitting on the sleeves, they are about 6 inches done so far. I am knitting them at the same time, it's so much easier, and I'm guaranteed they will be identical in length. After the sleeves are done I may feel like I've accomplished enough to actually start on the purple cardigan without any guilt! I can hardly wait. Another project I've really wanted to knit is the Celtic Cable Pullover. I think this is the cutest sweater! I have some pretty grey yarn I am considering using for it. My biggest concern about this pattern is the boring back and sleeves. I have a real hard time knitting inches and inches of plain stockinette stitch. Maybe I will dig out my old Bond Sweater machine and knit the back and sleeves on that. I know, it's sort of cheating, but it works so good for that sort of knitting and it looks great when it's done. You can't tell the difference between the Bond knit fabric and the hand knit fabric. Really! Only thing is, since I moved (3 years ago!) I haven't unpacked my Bond and all it's accessories. Do I want to futz around doing all that or just hand knit the dang back? I guess I should finish what I already have on the needles and then worry about it!

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