Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Love Not Working...Does That Mean I'm Lazy?

It is so nice to sleep in until 7:30 instead of hearing that annoying alarm buzzing at 4:30am! I'd probably sleep even later if Summer the greyhound would let me. We get up at 7:30 on my days off so I'm sure she figures it should be the same for my vacation days...goofy dog. We have to take our morning walk of a mile and then it's home to tea for me, and kibble for her. I wish I was rich and didn't need to work to pay for frivolous things like...food, heat, shelter, etc. But I'm just a working schmuck like everyone else. Maybe, someday, I'll meet a rich guy who thinks I'm great and wants me to stay home and bake him bread and knit him socks. That's my kind of man!

I got a phone call from my daughter Stacey yesterday to tell me "Mom, go check your e-mail, I just got updated pictures of Logan!" Our little guy was in for his 3 month check-up and the doctor always takes photos for the adoption agency. Thank goodness for digital pictures and e-mail! Think about this...the doctor in Guatemala took some pictures on Monday, e-mailed them to the agency in Texas, who e-mailed them to my daughter in Florida, who e-mailed them to me in Minnesota....who sent them to everyone she knows! I love the internet! You'll notice that Logan is eating well and is getting a little baby-budge. He is up to 13 lbs! Love the big brown eyes, he's a cutie for sure. I also have a recent photo of Miss Mia a.k.a. The Princess. Do I have cute grandchildren or what? I am truly blessed.
I was "browsing" the internet for free knitting patterns, one of the best things about the internet is the great people who share their talent, and I found this sock pattern. Way cute, way hard to read! It is in German but I think I have the main pattern figured out. I may cast on with some of my own hand- dyed yarn and give it a try. Just what I need, another project that will go unfinished. I am so bad...I have so many single socks that need their mates, yet here I sit, ready to start another! It's a sickness I tell ya!

It is starting to look and feel like fall around here. The wind is really strong and gusty today so the leaves are all being blown off the trees. The temps are cool, in the 50's and the sky is gray and dreary. I actually like this kind of weather. It makes me want to get ready for the winter ahead and prepare to "nest in" for a few months. I always think of winter as a resting period. Everything goes to sleep for a few months and then is awakened again in the spring. That's one good thing about Minnesota, we do have 4 distinct seasons, and all of them have their good and bad.

I am off to the grocery store. The kid and dog need grub. With the cooler weather I can actually turn on the oven and make some cold weather meals. Tonight is beef, vegetable, and barley soup served with popovers. I am so lucky that Walker will eat just about anything and appreciates home cooking. Have a great day and keep those needles clicking!


Deb said...

You're hardly lazy my dear!! Those are some darn cute grandkids - lucky indeed!

Anonymous said...

Your beef, barley, vegetable soup is the best soup I have ever made. My family chows it down and I am hesitant to tell them its so good for them. Even my mom requested that I make it for her when I visited her a month ago. It makes the house smell great on a cold evening like tonight. (hahahaha Its cold for October. This would be a heat wave in January)

I love the sock directions in German. If it ends up looking like a hand knitted jock strap you will have an excuse. The socks you posted yesterday are really cute. I printed the directions and have the yarn already.

You didn't mention the purple cardigan......

marit said...

You have some lovely grandchildren! I hope Logan will be home soon with his new family!
The link to the socks is great! I'd like to make those. My German is awfully rusty, but I guess I'll be able to understand the main part of it!

Janice said...

You have BEAUTIFUL grandchildren!! What a blessing. How wonderful to know that Logan is being well taken care of as he waits to come 'home'!
Boy, beef barley soup and popovers. I want to come eat at your house!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I am blinded by the cuteness. Congratulations!