I had a great time at Stitch and Pitch on Sunday. Good friends, Twins baseball, lots of knitting, and an air-conditioned bus ride to The Dome. Who could ask for more? I must eat my words (cough, choke, sputter!!) the Twins did NOT kick The LA Angels behind as I had predicted. In fact, they sort of got the snot kicked out of them...final score, 7 to 2, LA. It was a good game even if the Twins couldn't get a hit to save their hides. We had seats in the upper deck behind home plate so the view was pretty good. It was amazing to see all the knitters sitting together and working on their projects. I wish I had a count of how many knitters were actually there, I'm sure it was in the mid-hundreds or higher. But the best part of the day was when my friends sang on TV...yes, sang! Thanks to the bold and talented Janet (still blogless!) who wrote a song that is sung to the tune of Take Me Out to the Ball Game. She sang it on the bus ride to The Dome and who should be on the bus, but a lady whose husband is the media director for The Dome. She whips out her cell phone and calls him and tells him about the singing knitter, Janet. Once we get to the game, the husband decides that the singing knitter should be on TV! Janet of course begs Joyce and I to sing with her...NO THANK YOU! First, I can't sing worth a dang, second, I certainly don't want to be seen, not being able to sing, on TV. But sweet and wonderful Janet manages to snare, I mean, cajole some others in the group to sing with her. Brave souls. Above is a photo I managed to take while they were waiting to be taped for their national singing debut. Too funny! My hats off to all of you who had enough guts to get up there and sing the praises of knitting for all to enjoy!
Another great thing about going to Stitch and Pitch was that I actually knit for a couple hours and finished my moms birthday socks. Yippy! I made it with 6 days to spare, a record for me! They turned out very pretty, I will take a picture of them before they are gifted. Now that I have the socks done I am going to start the cardigan. The weather here in Minneapolis is brutally hot. Today the heat index is going to be near 100 degrees and tomorrow it's going to be over 100! I truly hate the heat. Give me a snowy blizzard and cold any day compared to this steamy, oppressive heat. But then again, come January I may eat those words. At least in January I will have a nice wool cardigan to slip into and stay toasty warm!
I am going to be a Gramma again! My daughter Stacey and her husband Jon are in the process of applying to adopt a baby boy from Guatemala. We will know today for sure what little guy they pick and the paper chase will begin. Luckily, they have all their paper work in order for their second China adoption so they are pretty much done with the time consuming, putsy stuff. They will leave their application for another girl from China active. Since the wait time for China is now 3 years, they decided to adopt a son between the 2 girls. I am so excited for them...and me too! Guatemala works the opposite way from China in their adoption process. For China you apply, do all the months of paper work, then wait. Months later (now it's years later) you get a "referral" photo and info on your child. You accept, or decline, the referral. After acceptance you get ready to travel to China in about 4-6 weeks where you will stay for 2 weeks and pick up your child. With Guatemala you get the referral first, then do all the paper work, wait 4-6 months and travel there for 3 days to pick up your child. It is faster and much less waiting time. The really fun option is...you can go visit you child whenever you want! They get to stay with you for the whole visit. Since Stacey and Jon only live 2 hours (flight time!) from Guatemala City, they plan on visiting their son at least once before they go to bring him home. I'll have pictures soon so check back to see my new grandson!
Oh wonderful news for Stacey - and you!! Let me know if I can put them in touch with S&J (I know they are in FL and everything but I know they'd be happy to e-mail if they can help.) I'd love to get together and knit. Let me know your schedule. I'm not working anymore so I'm wide open!
Wow, the Stitch and Pitch sounds like it was a blast! I would have loved to have gone! I also wish I could have seen your friends singing on TV! What a hoot!
Congratulations on the upcoming adoption and another grandbaby!! Lucky you! I am really looking forward to that season of life! Probably not too far away now....
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