Thursday, December 27, 2007

Guatemalan Cutie!

For those of you that are not following my daughter and her hubby's trip to Guatemala to visit their soon-to-be-adopted son...I will post a picture of the little cutie. He is Logan Michael and about the cutest little man south of Miami! They are visiting him for a week with their other little cutie...Mia, their daughter adopted from China. If you would like to keep up with their escapades you can find their blog here.
Other than all the excitement about the new grandson, things here are winding down after the holidays. I am soooo tired. I don't know if it's my diabetes or just the after Christmas blahs. I feel like I could sleep for a week. I'm not a napper so I never get any extra sleep. I get up at 4:30am so I'm guessing I just need to get to bed earlier...starting tonight. Good night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those grandkids are cute. Thanks for the blog link for your family. It was so interesting to read. Too bad they had to come home early.

I hope your New Year's resolution is about knitting because a cable a day keeps the doctor away. I found your poem you wrote 4 years ago about knitting and I think you should share it with your blog family. Did you keep a copy or should I send my copy over?
Here's to 2008 and more knitting together.

PS I tracked your Christmas present today and it left a warehouse in St Paul yesterday. You may get it before Groundhogs Day.