Baby Logan is doing great! Stacey says he is sweet, smiley, and always happy. An all round good baby! I am thinking of going to visit them the beginning of April. I really want to see my Mia Belle and meet my new grandson. Are they cute, or what? A trip to a warmer climate sounds pretty good about now. We are still getting snow here in Minnesota, which is to be expected since it's March...typically the snowiest month of the year. When I walked the greyhound this morning it was beautiful out. Warm (about 28 degrees), calm, and snowing lightly. A perfect morning to walk. I like winter, I like snow, but this year I am looking forward to warmer temps and some sunshine. This winter seemed to be so dark and dreary. I want to hear the birds singing and see some green on the ground instead of white!
I did a bad thing. I started knitting another pair of socks. BUT...I will not have any SSS with these since I am knitting them at the same time. By same time I mean, I knit the cuff on one, then knit the cuff on the second one. They are on separate circular needles. I am using Marguerite's pattern called Old Shale Two Yarn Socks. I am doing mine the opposite of Marguerite's since my cuff is in a solid color and the sock is variegated. The pattern is well written and very enjoyable. I also found another sock pattern while cruising around the internet knitting sites. This is one gorgeous sock, but I definitely won't be starting them until the Old Shale Socks are done! They are called Nutkin and look like a fun knit that is sort of similar in style to the ever popular Monkey Socks. The free pattern is at their site along with the beautiful handmade wooden holders that they sell.
A friend and I went and saw the movie "Vantage Point". I liked it. It is a bit different since you see the same half hour over and over but from different characters points of view. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I like Dennis Quaid and Matthew Fox so that made it all the more enjoyable! I am waiting for "10,000 BC" to start this Friday. The special effects look awesome, and after seeing the previews at the theater, the story looks like it is very good also.
Well, I think I will go and relax. My house is spotless so I can watch a movie, or knit, or read without having that nagging guilt I feel when I know I should be cleaning! I have mailed off the prize package to ikkanlala. I hope she enjoys it! Later...